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First let me state, It's not my deliberate intention to make supportive case for the rampantly growing
already, and bursting at the proverbial seams, laced with redundant, inadequate, and antiquated govt jobs,
Super Bureaucracy of today. That to include it becoming any overbearing, oppressive, Orwellian,
and Nanny State Day Care-ish, that's already now! Yet, I am understanding or of the mindset. That eventually technology will shrink the bureaucracy considerably fold. Thus yielding a correction to the parabolic growth rate it has been in and executing now. No parabolic growth is sustainable indefinitely. And the Masses will soon realize that alot can be done with less in today's real/live time interconnected world.

Second, I am going to try and demonstrate throughout, that the exponential advancements in technology made
thus far, will not only allow us to do this, but undeniably require it at some point. That being taking a
REAL/LIVE time, monthly micro economic management and observa

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Quant Funds & High Frequency Trading

Re: Quant funds & high frequency trading - are they the reason that there issome perception that the market takes an appearance of "climbing smooth hills"(etfs). I heard that this presented a problem for some traders. It seems to meto be the opposite (nice and smooth, some etfs). I wonder if this would at somepoint smooth out the curves on underlying stocks and might be a reason that somecomment that sometimes earnings announcements, etc. seem to get ignored in termsof market action around them, e.g. the conflict between quant fund patternperformance and fundamentally oriented models, etc. My question: for those ofyou that are familiar with the quant fund domain, is it your opinion that the"smooth" price chart forms will continue (up or down). Or, do you think thatwith a down turn (future) that some of the inverse ETFs might smoothly rise. Itseems like 2008 was an extreme situation. I was wondering if a smoother bearmarket (future) would be possible with the new funds/etfs, etc. (wishf

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First, if you are going to criticize prepared to offer solutions/remedies to what your criticizing...Otherwise you are just a wind-bag-arm-chair-critic! I have a plan to put about 400,000 people to work in the next two months time. With no more than a signature of a pen.There's roughly about 140,000* gas stations (70% of them having convenience stores and gas stations) in the USA. Now, only in New Jersey and Oregon is it illegal to pump/dispense your own gas at the station. Thus requiring a filling attendant to put gas in your automobile.Well, if we, meaning individual states governors of the states that dont have them self service laws. Enact similar change that to town ordinances...I say ordinances because this could be started by municipalities passing city ordinances to do this first..citing local unemployment #'s and blithe and economic get the legal ball rolling...And make gas stations hire workers to fill tanks. Albeit they will be l

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I see education in the future being done exclusively in the home Via the Web and Biometric ID or as I like to call em the "digital truancy officers." Also consisting of virtual hologram technology. Both on the lower and higher levels meaning pre-k on up to collegiate. Not only driven by advancements in technology, but combined with the vast data resources/info present NOW that would allow us to do so. And for sure within 10 years time. It's a shame that MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte's XO-Laptop or the "$100 Laptop for Every Child in the World Program" was just a little early. But not wasted nor in vain. Yet one of the Bush Family members is capitalising on the revamping of the computer aided education system not only in this country, but in the bombed out countries we invaded and destroyed their school systems in. A story for another time. The power that be were just too stacked against it along with where we were development and market release wise.. Also with the added catalyst o

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Charles Schwab Corp. (SCHW) did almost double it's volume today. Saber rattling from Fed on punch bowl yank. Everyone knows CHUCK stands to make good scratch come rate raising time. More so than most. I think today we seen people getting there in the trade. Eat my dust....I 've been there for awhile....;).and riding nice shr avg....Someone is going to look at these guys for deposit/asset base and the retail trading arm that a buyer might be looking for or lacking of.... as bonus. I always felt Chuck was a poster child for asset integrity in all this. Took no TARP. And what little loans were made seem to be low risk. Or I could be wrong...and they're heading for door....last one out get the lights...will ya....lolI wrote the below last AugustI have to tell ya...After reading through the Q at (SCHW)-Charles Schwab...I amreally optimistic about the future for them. Let me state some points. First,someone asked me yesterday why is CHUCK a good long term stock to buyhere?....My reply was th

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Wow! are they ever hyping the impact/importance of the NEXT unemployment numbercoming. It's not as "paradigm shifting" as they make it. Regardless of what is shows or not. It's a drummedup/conjured to suite fit number....Agreed or disagree? They act like it's goingto end all problems on slightest statistically anomaly pimple. It dont change the factpeople are living longer ....and by default working longer/later into life to keep w/ rampantrise in cost of living....All while technology efficiency and automation and corporateprofit seeking to appease the "Masses" takes away(exponentially) the jobs neededto maintain.... let alone thrive and grow a vital economy. Thats the trade off with risinglife expectancy due to exponential advancements in medicine that keep peoplealive longer. Some say we as a species are on the cusp of immortality. Imaginewhat unemployment numbers will be then!I remember Judge Smails from 1980's cult classic "Caddy Shack"...when Danny was sucking up to him for the L

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