Before I present the insight on expected earnings ahead, there is one point I wish to make; that being Trump. If you're not following our President elect on Twitter, you should get with it now. Some may say it's not "Presidential" to be on TWTR but our commander and chief does what he wishes, and he wishes to scare whomever he can. At the very least, throw him up as a column on TweetDeck and watch the charts fly when he mentions a name.
Now while AMZN and GM were formerly expecting good growth in 2017, you will notice that both are now on Trumps radar for taxation and import/export fees which explains their recent trading action. There seems to be no love lost between AMZN owner Jeff Bezos. Even Trumps comments on taxation such as “If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag." should leave investors more than a tad concerned. At this point, I feel we'll see quite a bit of this concern over China/Mexico/taxation/tariffs in th