Seasonal demand is just what it sounds like. What seasons certain things see higher demand such as natural gas for A/C and heating or gold for jewelry manufacturing and sales. With that in mind I thought I'd flip through our Seasonal Charts for hints of possible trades here and in the months approaching. My unscientific belief has been that larger players begin to buy long futures contracts before the season hits so I begin to watch for divergences and support in charts. Click on the charts below for a better view. Let's take a look:
Consumer Staples Which can be traded via $XLP or one of it's components are items which consumers feel they cannot do without. They're considered non-cyclical, meaning that they are always in demand, no matter how well the economy is performing (or not performing). Think diapers $KMB, personal hygiene $PG, discounters like $WMT, beverages such as $KO, cigarettes $MO and $PM, pharmacies such as $WAG and $CVS. There are many other names, b