I so would love FOX news to pause from all the foot stomping and finger pointing "the labor force participation rate continues to drop under Obama and his failed Presidency!" to respond to this post from Ritholtz but that will never happen............because it doesn't boost ratings. If you drink the FOX koolaid, please take a look at this research and do some of your own.
Is it Obama's "failed policies"....or a good percentage merely a matter of aging demographics AND was it foretold? Yes it was - over a decade ago. Of course riling people up brings in viewers and sells newspapers. Hype sells, peiod. Telling people they knew it was going to happen but didn't bother to warn you...........well, not so good. Its easier to point at a President and say's "it's all his fault" than to admit that aging baby boomers coupled with increased automation and outsourcing to help companies bottom line (stock price) are the main culprits.
By the way, while they're pouring kerosene on your sm