Ah, the 70's. Everyone had Saturday Night [Disco] Fever, bad polyester shirts with ruffles [!],
Happy Days, Kojak with a lolli pop, The Waltons, 10% unemployment, block-long lines at the gas pump, a peanut-picker President and ah yes, computers began invading the office workspace. I remember it well as I begrudingly sat through computer training at Percy Wilson Mortgage downtown; the entire time chuckling under my breath with my coworkers that this computer b.s. would never work. Something called an "internet" would span the world and allow people on every continent to communicate within seconds without a wire? Surely someone was on drugs. Even if this *thing* worked, never, ever would we [in the mortgage business] be able to verify someone's income/assets without the mountains of paperwork that are involved. Folders stuffed 3" thick with credit reports, verifications of employment, letters of explanation, bank statements, divorce decrees and a 20-page long appraisal. No way no how bu