- What happened to DeMark's prediction of a crash? Mr.Top Step
- 85 people (only 85) own over 1/2 of the WORLD's wealth. Let that sink in a minute. Oxfam.og
- Markets won't like this tension (watch crude oil and PMs). Russian troops encircle UK bases; urging troops to defect NYTimes
- They're not out of the woods yet. 52% of workers in France want to leave the Euro. Mish Global Economic
- Always good to see Stocktwits talking up on two stocks which are long in Kos's port $EBAY and $MELI. Glad to have them aboard! lol
- What Americans really do with their income tax refunds TheBlaze
- Who knew. There *is* a magical day to book and get the cheapest airfare. Huffington Post
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