You know those moments.......when you were at a family function or out for a few cocktails with friends when someone brought up the topic of the economy or stock market. Those conversations were fairly easy to side step and ensure you'd still be on speaking terms tomorrow. The last five years, however it's an entirely new ballgame and avoidance is not becoming any easier. I think the basic problem for the general public (and many small investors) is that they expected a snap back in jobs in 2-3 years, as is normal after a recession. The problem isn't the current administration. The problem is that we didn't simply experience a recession. We experienced a global financial crisis which is a horse of an entirely different color.
You really can't blame them for not understanding the difference between the two. Most haven't been alive long enough or have knowledge of economic history to realize the ramifications. According to a White House Crisis and Recovery in the World Economy