- What BMW’s China sales say about their economy. “Xubao” or false reporting; who knew! Quartz
- Pay your bills or we take your cat (seriously) TheMoscowTimes
- A $1.65 billion buyout, 300 hours of video uploaded every minute, 300 million hours streaming per day, a “farm” of sorts where prominent studios are paying huge sums to acquire companies that bundle together YouTube channels, an ever-expanding ad platform, a new premium service (Music Key) and a new marketing strategy aimed at turning YouTube starts into, well true stars. Aand imagine; YouTube is still an experiment. NYTimes
- Why the middle class isn’t as well off as some would have you believe. According to IRS data, 99% of American households make less than $388,000 a year, and 95% make less than $167,000 a year. The true middle in terms of income — that is, the cutoff to be in the top 50 percent of earners — is roughly $35,000 a year. Salon (and those middle class jobs are disappearing to automation and outsourcing overseas)
- The reason TSLA is tanking (yet another opine) HuffPo
- NYC police fire back at Mayor after he supports protests. If I die in the line of duty, you’re not invited to my funeral. ijreview