Seriously what is going on here? A 12th banker leaps to his death in another apparent suicide. People it's just a job! If your boss wants you to do something illegal or if you're under too much pressure, it's within your power to change things! Change jobs or change fields completely.
- Having fun with the interactive from Bloomberg on billionaires, what they invest in, who inherited their wealth vs. self made, etc. I just want to know how many are located in Dallas and can a old lady get a hook up? *lol*
- Robotic firemen? Yes, says the Navy Marshable
- Riddle me this: What caped crusader may take up the roll where Ashton Kutcher flopped? Yes, it's Christian Bale as David Fincher's (Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) and my favorite Alan Sorkin's (Creator of 2012's hit The Newsroom) favorite choice as Steve Jobs in The Wrap, *if* they can just convince the much sought after actor to give the nod.
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