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Crowd Funding At Its Finest

If they need money to complete a prototype, what was used in filming?  If Cicret is a scam, it certainly is a tempting one.  Anyone have a cool million laying around?  Oh an no strings or legal agreement attached.  According to the website:

We need 300,000 euros to develop the CICRET APP on all the platforms. We need 700,000 euros to finish the first prototype of the CICRET BRACELET. So feel free to donate an amount of your choice. If everyone gives us 1 euro, we will make it and release our products!

This certainly reminds me of the hover board video which made the rounds a while back.

Protype needed.  Indeed.  Hope they find a source of funding but without any written agreement, it may take a while.  Winter 2015 may be a bit too ambitious.

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