Maybe it's backfiring. Maybe those who had pre-existing conditions accepted that having coverage was worth the higher price versus no coverage at all. Add in those with lower income levels who had no insurance previously. A big bump. Maybe all the foot stomping over website glitches (which is common with new websites folks), fear mongering of information security, "death panels" and contraception coverage from the angel-believing right are being drowned out.
A new survey shows 64% of Americans now back ACA, of course slight revisions being supported as well but wasn't that expected? No major law goes on the books without tweaks and revisions but this is actually good news if you're long certain healthcare names whose price has benefited the last few years.
Of course maybe Bloomberg's survey is inaccurate. Stranger things have happened but MSM (main stream media) would have you believe ACA (Obamacare) is a nightmare and hated nationwide. Maybe, just maybe, MSM is feeding us what their Corporate owners want us to see and maybe, just maybe, their nose is growing.
Read the survey details at Bloomberg